The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that requires buildings and facilities that provide goods and services to the public to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. The ADA was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and went into effect in 1992. Buildings and alterations constructed after 1992 must comply with the requirements of the ADA.
Buildings and facilities constructed prior to 1992 are required to make changes to facilitate accessibility that are “readily achievable,” defined as “easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense.”
Restaurants and other eateries are subject to applicable laws and are searching for furniture that is ADA compliant. California is leading the way in compliance, and other states are sure to follow.
California Building Code
In addition to the ADA, California has its own requirements for accessibility compliance, described in the California Building Code. Current codes are effective as of January 1, 2011.
California is one of the most ADA compliant states in the nation. Under California law, any violation of the ADA is considered a civil rights violation subject to a minimum statutory penalty of $4,000 plus attorney’s fees.
Ashdown Architecture is a full service architectural firm with significant expertise addressing access compliance issues in buildings and facilities throughout California. They are thoroughly familiar with the federal and state requirements for access compliance and have been certified by the California Division State Architect as a Certified Access Specialist (CASp). (This is not an endorsement; we reference them here for your information only.) Click here for more information:
Restaurant Furniture 1-2-3 is committed to supplying you with ADA-accessible furnture as it becomes available (Click here for examples from Florida Seating).
Call 610-674-3122 to speak with our representatives to discuss your project and help you identify the colors, stock, lead time, and budget to best fit your needs, or click Restaurant Furniture 1-2-3 to shop at our site and read relevant articles.
Restaurant Furniture 1-2-3 offers the best value in indoor and outdoor commercial furniture including chairs, tables, barstools, sectionals, and accessories for restaurants, cafes, social clubs, and other organizations that offer dining experiences. Restaurant owners and managers depend on us to maximize space utilization, outdoor conditions, and high quality furniture to deliver comfortable accommodations for patrons and – most importantly – the best return on investment.
If you are interested in our synthetic teak outdoor furniture, visit our other site: Synthetic Teak Furniture.