Indoor resin restaurant table tops are beautiful but endure spills, scratches, and other battle wounds from hungry patrons. After a hard night of wear, how do you clean an indoor resin restaurant table top? Below are some tips to cleaning a resin restaurant table top:
1. Use a soft cloth
The tops are very durable and scratch resistant but not scratch proof. Use a soft cloth whenever cleaning the resin top so not to scratch it while cleaning.
2. Buff not scrub
Minor scratches can be removed or reduced by buffing them out.
3. Use soap and water
When removing stains use soap and water in lieu of harsh chemicals which can dissolve the epoxy resin coating.
4. Steam cleaning
For heavy duty cleaning steam cleaning the top can remove the stain which haming the resin top.
For more information on indoor commercial resin restaurant tops visit the Outdoor Restaurant Seating selection or call 610-674-3122.
Outdoor Restaurant Seating offers the best value in indoor and outdoor commercial furniture including chairs, tables, barstools, and restaurant seating for restaurants, cafes, social clubs and other organizations that offer dining experiences. Restaurant owners and managers depend on us to maximize space utilization, outdoor conditions and high quality furniture to deliver comfortable accommodations for patrons and most importantly the best return on investment.